Italy Chapter

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Maurizio Di Fresco is the IMIA Italy Chapter Chair

Maurizio Di Fresco studied Economics for two years at the University of Palermo, Italy, and then attended the Higher Institute of Interpreters and Translators, where he graduated in 1992. While working as a freelance interpreter, he studied Political Sciences at the University of Palermo, then started working as a full-time interpreter at the Department of Tourism & Transportation of Sicily, Italy. From 1999 to 2008, he worked as an in-house interpreter at the Mediterranean Institute for Transplants and Highly Specialized Therapies (a public hospital based in Palermo, Sicily, created in 1999 as the result of a public-private partnership between the city’s two largest hospitals and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center). In 2006 he obtained a second University Degree in Language Mediation. In 2008 he left the Language Services Department of ISMETT and became one of the two International Patient Services Coordinators who now manage all the administrative and logistic activities concerning foreign patients, including recruiting and directing interpreters and cultural mediators for many languages. In addition to being an International Patient Services Coordinators at ISMETT, Maurizio Di Fresco works as a freelance conference interpreter.
10/01/2020Italy Vice Chair Position Vacant
01/18/2013Per maggiori informazioni sul convegno
CISP on cultural mediation in Italy
Hospitals that provide interpreting services in Italy often use cultural mediators. This document shows the results of a study carried out by CISP on cultural mediation in Italy.
Associazione Italiana Traduttori ed Interpreti (AITI) Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters
IMIA Symposium Recently Held in Palermo

Il 28 e 29 novembre 2011 si e' svolto a Palermo, presso la Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici, il Seminario Internazionale "Increase Awareness about the Need for Medical Interpreters", organizzato da Maurizio Di Fresco, Responsabile della Sezione Italiana di IMIA e Coordinatore dei Servizi Pazienti Stranieri di ISMETT. Durante il seminario, moderato da Maurizio Di Fresco, la Presidente di IMIA Lola Bendana e la Direttrice Esecutiva di IMIA Izabel Arocha hanno illustrato le tematiche legate alla professione dell'interprete clinico ed alla sicurezza del paziente, mentre Oscar Arocha (Language Line Services) ha illustrato varie tipologie di tecnologie a supporto dei servizi di interpretariato remoto. Nel pomeriggio del 28 novembre, i tre relatori sono intervenuti all'ISMETT, ove si è svolto un mini-seminario sui novi standard JCI sulla comunicazione con i pazienti. Il quotidiano La Sicilia ha pubblicato un articolo sull'evento.

On November 28 and 29, 2011, the "Increase Awareness about the Need for Medical Interpreters" International Symposium took place in Palermo, at the University of Language Mediation. The Symposium was organized by Maurizio Di Fresco, IMIA Italy Chapter Representative, and International Patient Services Coordinator at ISMETT. During the workshop, chaired by Maurizio Di Fresco, IMIA President Lola Bendana and IMIA Executive Director Izabel Arocha illustrated the issues related to medical interpreting and patient safety, while Oscar Arocha (Language Line Services) spoke about the technologies for remote interpreting. In the afternoon of November28, the three speakers gave a lecture at ISMETT, particularly focusing on the new JCI standards on communication with patients.

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ISMETT Letter to IMIA 12.12.2011
Former Representatives
Fabio Di Pietro (VC)