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Ohio Chapter

Welcome to the Ohio Chapter of the IMIA. The IMIA's goal is for all IMIA Chapters to flourish to meet all the needs of the members of each region. While the IMIA is international it believes in the 'Think Global, Act Local' motto. We will have periodic conference calls to allow members in this region to network and find ways to advance the profession together in the region. Please email your representative with ideas, issues, and topics that you think should be discussed. The IMIA believes that organizing an IMIA Symposium each year in each state should be a key goal of the Chapter. If you are willing to volunteer to assist, please let your representative know.
To find or post medical interpreting conferences or events in Ohio go to:

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Corporate Members
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On April 23, 2013, the IMIA gave a successful presentation about “National Certification”  at Kent State University located at 800 E Summit St Kent, OH 44240 to the undergraduate and graduate students from Modern & Classical Language Studies department (MCLS).  The presentation was delivred by the Vice Chair of the IMIA Ohio State Chapter, Olga Shostachuk.

Ohio Hospital Association

Ohio Department of Health 

Ohio ASL Educational Interpreters Working Conditions - June 2008

New law will require Ohio courts to hire interpreters
The Chronicle-Telegram Mon, 18 Jul 2011 11:00 AM PDT
COLUMBUS Ohio courts will be required to hire a foreign language or sign language interpreter in some cases, under a new rule adopted by the state Supreme Court. The state's highest court announced Monday that the rule taking effect Jan. 1, 2013 says an interpreter must be paid for if the service is necessary [...]

Ohio Supreme Court Interpreter Services Program Schedule of Events

Dr. John Makary (IMIA Ohio State Chapter Chair) in coordination with the Staff of some of the public schools in Ohio was able to create "Informational Community Bulletin Boards" which are Bulletin Boards written in different languages e.g. Arabic, English, Spanish and some Japanese:

Language Access: United States Department of Justice Language Access informative presentation, please click on the link below to view.


Cities for National Board Written Exams:
Columbus, OH 
Dublin, OH  
Chillicothe, OH  
Orrville, OH

For more information please visit http://www.certifiedmedicalinterpreters.org/

"What Every Interpreter Needs to Know to Get Certified"
was presented at
CCHMC Conference on Medical Interpreting
Cincinnati Children‟s Hospital - Sabin Auditorium - Cincinnati, Ohio August 21-22 /2010

National Certification Conference at Cincinati Children's Hospital in Ohio

National Certification Conference at Cincinati Children's Hospital in Ohio


Photos from the Conference about National Certification  at Cincinati Children's Hospital in Ohio

"National Certification is the only way for us to have a competent and professional interpreter........and will improve the quality of Health care for the non English speaking  patients.  In other words, certification will save lifes . "

"Speaking two languages doesn't give you the privilage to be an interpreter, but certification is the only proof of your abilities ."

The IMIA is pleased to announce that John Makary is the IMIA State Chapter Chair for Ohio.  Contact him at IMIAOhio@imiaweb.org.

Ohio State RepresentativeDr. John Makary
Interpreter, Medical Expert and Interpreter Trainer
Arabic Culture consultant

John Makary is the IMIA Representative of Ohio. A licensed physician from Egypt who graduated from Ain Shams University in Cairo, John has worked in Ohio as a medical expert, interpreter trainer, Arabic language consultant and Arabic culture broker. He  works for the Dublin City School District. John has presented in many conferences locally and internationally, and serves as an Arabic outreach  coordinator at Welcome Warehouse. 

State Vice Chair Position Vacant

To Apply Please See Requirements for IMIA Representation:

Please Note:
Only one letter of recommendation is required for vice-chairs, not two.


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